That's One Expensive Bird — Read More About Pest Control

That's One Expensive Bird — Read More About Pest Control

Posted by Andrew Greess on Nov 15, 2011

Expensive bird, on the pavement, a moment after landing on APS power lines outside our shop.

birchmeier 11807202 comfort kit

In addition to causing our power to go out, one of the electrical components on the line caught fire, necessitating a call to Phoenix FD.

That's One Expensive Bird

When the power came back on, my laptop was fried. It was about the only time I hadn't plugged it into a surge protector. Here is what I learned from this expensive lesson:

1. ALWAYs use a surge protector. I bought a little portable one that I now use at Starbucks, hotels, etc.

2. I now use to sync all my critical home/office/laptop files automatically.

3. I am bought a cheap laptop, with a service plan, and will throw it away in 2 years.

I hope this helps you avoid an expensive, time-consuming problem.