
Pest Control Spray Equipment - Big Idea #2

Posted by Andrew Greess on Nov 4, 2007

Want to get more life from your pest control spray equipment?

Take the pressure off!  When you are done spraying, relieve the pressure.  Squeeze the handle of your gun to release the pressure.  If you must, spray the material back into the tank.  We don't want to create a spill or violate any labels.

Releasing the pressure will extend the life of any sprayer: pest control power sprayer, backpack, pest control hand sprayer etc.   Just like you have to release the pressure on the human body, through exercise, sex, knitting, whatever, you must do it for your equipment.

We find this is especially true for pest control backpack sprayers.  Leaving these units under pressure will significantly reduce the life of your sprayer.

I recommend you relieve the pressure at the end of each job and at the end of the day.