
Personal Protective Equipment for Pest & Weed Control Power Sprayers

Posted by Andrew Greess on Oct 6, 2012

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is required by law when Pest Control & Weed professionals are using power spray equipment or backpack sprayers.

My experience is that most professionals use PPE when spraying chemicals.  What worries me is that many do not use PPE at other times when they might still be exposed to pesticides and herbicides.

We got a call from a golf course client needing a replacment quick disconnect for his power sprayer.  He did not know what brand or size so we asked him to send us a photo.

Spray professionals need to use PPE whenever they are near chemical, not just when spraying.   We see professional bringing equipment (such as spray guns) covered in chemicals) into our shop for repair - No gloves.

There is probably chemical on all your equipment.  When you are near it, use PPE.  For example, if you have ever had a leak in your spray hose, then your spray hose is covered in chemical, even if you can't see it.

Prevent buildup of chemical in truck and on equipment.  Periodically clean your equipment and truck.