
Green Pest Management Conference - IPM Panel Discussion

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 24, 2009

Pest Management Professional panel discussion.  Here are some of my take aways:

Put your money where your mouth is.  Become a green company before offering green services.  It will make you and your employees feel good, save you money, build credibility with prospects and customers.

You must do integrated pest management (IPM) before you can legitimately offer green services.

Start slow and implement green programs that work for your company.  Not the same for everyone.  Listen to your customers and improve through trial and error.

Green programs can be great for strengthening customer relationships.  Communicate and involve them, e.g., advise them what they need to do, trim branches away from house, move wood pile, etc.

Manage risk through careful and complete documentation of all service you have provided and activities you have requested client do.

GPS to optimize routes, reduce idling, side trips, etc. to reduce fuel consumption.

Get customer email addresses to save mailing marketing materials, invoices, service reminders, etc.

Andrew Greess