Birchmeier Backpack Sprayers - A Little Care Goes a Long Way

Birchmeier Backpack Sprayers - A Little Care Goes a Long Way

Posted by Andrew Greess on Nov 5, 2018

Birchmeier Backpacks are, in my opinion, the best manual backpack sprayers made.  They are a great tool for your pest control or landscape business. With a little care, your Birchmeier Backpack Sprayer will last many years.

Unfortunately, we see many Birchmeiers that are not properly cared for.  

Here are my suggestions for regular Birchmeier Backpack Sprayer (daily or weekly maintenance).  NOTE: aside from #3 Lubrication, most of these suggestions apply to most backpacks and hand sprayers.

1.  Filters.  Clean both Birchmeier filters.  Birchmeier Backpacks have one filter in the lid and one in spray valve handle.  Check and clean both filters.

2.  Pressure. Release the pressure.  Never store your Birchmeier Backpack sprayer under pressure.  Storing your backpack under pressure is a bad idea.  On a hot vehicle, the pressure will increase.  Under freezing conditions, storing the backpack under pressure increases the risk of serious freeze damage.  Releasing the pressure after each stop, or at the end of the day, will increase the life of soft parts like orings, gaskets, hose, etc.

3. Lubrication.  One of the things that sets Birchmeier Backpacks away from the competition is the grease reservoir.  Be sure to regularly grease your backpack.  We suggest the use of  Birchmeier Grease.  

4.  Clean it out.  Prevent chemical build up by triple rinsing the tank, then pumping clean water through the entire system.

On a periodic, perhaps annual basis, we recommend the following for heavy users:

1.  Give it a really good cleaning with tank cleaner.  Make sure there is no chemical buildup in the tank.

2. Tear down the Birchmeier Backpack.  Take it completely apart.  Clean all parts.

3.  Replace all the gaskets.  Use only authentic  Birchmeier Backpack Sprayer Parts.  The correct Birchmeier part is:

4.  Rebuild the spray gun.  The correct Birchmeier sprayer part is:

5.  Replace the check valve:  The correct Birchmeier parts is:

6.  Replace the lid gasket.  Once this gasket starts to wear, the backpack will leak down your back.  Yuck!

NOTE: We have assembled all the Birchmeier Backpack Sprayer parts above in our  Birchmeier Annual Maintenance Kit(available at a special discounted price)

These steps take a little time but you will more than make up for it in reduced downtime and longer sprayer life.

Thanks for reading.