B&G Sprayer Wand - Its a Spray Tool Not a Crowbar!

B&G Sprayer Wand - Its a Spray Tool Not a Crowbar!

Jan 7, 2017

pest control equipmentWe not only sell Pest Control Equipment, we repair it, which means we see some pretty crazy stuff.

Here is one of my favorites.  A tech brought in his B&G Sprayer with this spray wand (see photo):

The tech didn't realize that his B&G Spray wandis not a crowbar to be used for opening gates, cabinets, etc.

A couple of comments:

1.  Your B&G Sprayer is an important and valuable piece of equipment, use it properly

2.  Do not use B&G Spray wand for anything but spraying

Owners & Supervisors:

3. train techs on proper operation

4. retrain techs on proper operation.  Just because you showed them on day 1 doesn't mean they are doing what you want

5. Inspect equipment regularly

6.  The stick: hammer techs who abuse equipment

7.  The carrot:  publicly compliment or reward techs who take great care of their pest control equipment.

If you have great photos or stories of epic pest control equipment fails, please share.